Child Custody Investigations
Are you involved in a custody fight and need evidence to support your case in court? This is one of our most common investigative requests. We typically document alcoholism, absenteeism, dangerous behavior and poor parenting. Do not hesitate to call if this is your situation.
Computer Forensic Services
Has your significant other used a computer or cell phone to carry on an affair or manipulate marital assets? We use two of the most modern forensic software applications to uncover this information. We can retrieve most deleted information including photos, chat records, email records, documents and other "lost" data.
Infidelity & Family Law Investigations
Most states do not require evidence of infidelity to proceed with a divorce but sometimes you NEED to know. An affair can affect your family in many ways but most importantly it can affect your health, children and financial stability. Please call us FIRST before you decide to confront your spouse.
Who Are We?
Private Investigators have been glamorized and vilified for over a hundred years. Sherlock Holmes, Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I.), Jim Rockford (Rockford Files) and dozens more. A private investigator can assist with accounting investigations, criminal defense, insurance fraud, family law matters, missing persons, civil law defense and even lost pet location. For more than 20 years our manager has performed all of the above types of investigation but specializes in child custody/infidelity investigations and computer forensics.
We have performed family law investigations throughout most of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Some of these investigation have been straight forward but some have been as complicated as locating and retrieving children removed from a parent against court orders. We have performed hundreds of hours of surveillance on ONE person (over more than 24 months) to establish a required pattern of behavior and we have performed only a few hours of surveillance to determine infidelity. We cater and customize each case to our client’s specific needs and we involve our client’s in their case, when required, to maximize results.
We work with your attorney and we also work at your direction.

Next Steps...
Talk is cheap…. We do not charge for any consultations and during your case we will never charge you to “talk.” You have nothing to lose by calling but the longer you wait the harder your case can be to complete.